If you are looking at this page you may be interested to know that E-scape Fitness Videos is recruiting Videographers to help expand the EFV collection.
One of the primary objectives of EFV is to provide people using cardio equipment, for fitness, rehabilitation etc. with the opportunity to have an enjoyable workout (instead of a boring and grueling one) while exploring beautiful locations around the world. If you would like to be a part of expanding this collection to include some great locations that you know of, and get paid for doing it, then read on…
If you qualify as an EFV videographer, you will have the opportunity get paid for all usable1 video that you produce and also receive commissions on the sales of your footage. It may even be possible to have a video-capturing vacation sponsored by EFV2.
- Must be physically fit and enjoy walking, riding or rowing in nature.
- Have knowledge of and access to interesting and beautiful locations that provide at least one hour of continuous walking, riding or rowing.
- Have basic knowledge/ability to work with video camera and computer equipment.
- Be willing to learn and practice physically and mentally demanding video capture techniques.
- Supply the required deposit and sign waivers.
If you Qualify:
EFV will contact you directly if you qualify.
A deposit will be required for the replacement value of the specialized equipment that will be supplied (approximately $1,000 US). You will receive the equipment and training video along with media storage. When you have captured, what you believe to be, a great walk, ride or row, you can return the media storage device for processing. If the footage is deemed acceptable, you will be paid a negotiated fee, depending on location (minimum $200 US). In addition, you will receive a commission based on the sales of the EFV DVD that you supplied. You may submit as many videos as you like.
The deposit will be returned (less any damage beyond normal use) upon the return of the camera equipment. After having at least two successful videos produced by EFV, it may be possible to have a video collecting vacation sponsored by EFV2.
Register to Qualify:
To register to qualify, please fill in the form below and attach a resume or a brief description of how you qualify and why you are interested. It should also include descriptions and/or pictures (please keep file size under 500 KB) of the initial locations that you plan to capture. If EFV selects you as a candidate, they will contact you directly.
Thank you for considering this opportunity and GOOD LUCK!
- Ownership of Intellectual Property:
The decision to pay for and use any submitted video is entirely at the sole discretion of the EFV Directors. Any submitted video that is rejected by the EFV Directors will not be used or paid for. Any video footage submitted to EFV that is accepted for use in an EFV video (the "Work") shall become the exclusive property of EFV. Any Videographer who participates in this program agrees in advance (i) that the Work constitutes a "work for hire" under 17 U.S.C. 101; and (ii) to assign all right, title, and interest, including all copyrights, in the Work to EFV. In the event EFV determines not to use the Work, the Videographer acknowledges that he or she is not entitled to payment and agrees to waive any and all claims Videographer may have against EFV arising out of or relating to the Work.
- Videographers are independent contractors and not employees of EFV:
Videographer acknowledges and agrees that he or she is an independent contractor and not an employee of EFV. Videographer further acknowledges and agrees that there is no fiduciary relationship among or between EFV and Videographer; that each shall remain an independent business; and that neither party is an agent, legal representative, subsidiary, joint venture, partner, employee or servant of the other for any purpose whatsoever. Videographer has no right to make any contract, agreement, warranty or representation on EFV's behalf, or to incur any debt or other obligation in EFV's name and furthermore, EFV shall, in no event, assume liability for, nor be deemed liable as a result of, any such action. EFV is not liable for any act or omission of Videographer in the collection, recording, and submission of the Work or for any claim or judgment arising there from against either party. Videographer shall indemnify and hold harmless EFV and its officers, directors, employees and stockholders, from and against any and all claims arising directly or indirectly from, as a result of, or in connection with, Videographer's collection, recording, and submission of the Work, as well as the costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees, of defending against them.
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